Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A day in the life (and kitchen) of Sarah in Clermont

Laundry Day (because paying 60 cents for 5 minutes in the dryer is expensive...)

Notice the ladder/bookshelf/drying rack? 

Somedays I wonder why I bother ironing in the morning if pants are going to end up looking like this at the end of the day...

Vegetables from a garden. I signed up with an international host student program, and was paired with a generous gardner. :) 

My homemade pasta sauce. Very. Proud.
 And happy because I have a full pantry !

Some Meals I've made as a vegan on a budget!

Cauliflower curry with green bell peppers and yellow butter potatoes.

Peas with baked potato bites; baguette with apple :)

Pumpkin-like squash with rice, toasted pumpkin seeds, raisins, and spices. Yuuuum.

A new favorite: mustardy lentils with apple-cider grilled tomatoes and onions. Served with big buttery potatoes and green beans.

 I cheated: breakfast was an egg with spinach, tomato and potatoes. Delicious!

A beautiful salad with oranges, tomatoes, and old-fashioned mustard vinaigrette.

A totally not-vegan chocolate cake that I made for a friend's birthday. Yellow cake with chocolate ganache (melt chocolate in heated whipping cream.) Unreal! 

Peas, with leftover butter from the cake (um, cheating again...). Potatoes, tomato and lentil leftovers.

A tribute to my favorite type of food (north African): Couscous with zucchini, tomato, and chick pea ratatouille-thing.

My room after a scramble to get my new internet hooked up so I could skype with my family on Thanksgiving! A disaster area. 

Volunteering for the Food Bank. "Voulez-vous un sac pour la banque alimentaire?"

My door, which is still decorated Happy Hand day. ;) Okay, turkey day. I hope my neighbors like it as much as I do. 

Last, but definitely not least, a view of some *gorgeous* hiking in the area. Go on. Drool. 

Voila! Does it make you want to come visit??

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